Bruce Grove Primary
Parents, Teachers and Friends Association
We want to create a great PTFA at Bruce Grove Primary School. Parents are needed to run this and we aim to manage it so that it does not become too demanding.
What is PTFA?
PTFA stands for Parents & Teachers & Friends Association – it is set up to build a community around the school, improve communication between those that care about the school and to raise money for the school and for the children at the school. Money raised can be used to buy equipment/ pay for trips/ workshops / outings etc. The PTFA chooses how to best support the school and children.
We need to rebuild the PTFA following the past couple of years where meetings and events have not been possible. Everyone can be part of this….
The PTFA needs:-
Chairperson - to manage the meetings, ensure that all views are heard and plan what action to take. Liaise with school and feedback to school.
Vice-Chair - to assist Chairperson
Secretary - responsible for ensuring effective communication links between Committee Members and between the PTFA and the School
Treasurer - to handle money coming in and out, and purchasing of equipment and what the money raised is spent on
General Members - Everyone who wants to help in any way, big or small, and to be kept up to date with all PTFA news
All members can come to a meeting. Planned meetings would be once a month. Communication of the members would be by email & WhatsApp. If you have one of the four Committee roles (Chair person/Vice Chair person/ Treasurer /Secretary) you would need access to an email account and use WhatsApp.
We really want to make this a success and help give something extra to the children at Bruce Grove Primary School. It is also a chance to meet other parents, make new friends and gain new skills – come and join us!!!!
Next Meeting is on Tuesday 9th November 2021 at 6.15.
Please come to the front entrance