Science at Bruce Grove Primary
At Bruce Grove Primary, Science lessons are practically focused with scientific enquiry at the heart of teaching. Questions to investigate are formulated, either by the children or the teacher, and then children carry out these investigations in groups or individually. This ensures all children are participating and learning through exploration, which enriches the learning process and helps make learning stick. The teacher is required to ensure that investigations are kept unbiased by observing each group and prompting them with questions or suggestions. Children are then shown how to record part of their investigations, such as writing a prediction, making a table for results, or formulating a conclusion.
We broadly follow the ‘Developing Experts’ scheme of work for Science. All teachers use visuals aids to support children’s understanding of key concepts, which enables them to confidently use scientific vocabulary in the correct context and increases their understanding of the world around them.
Science Curriculum overview
| Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2
Year 1 | Seasonal Changes
| Animals - All about Me | Plants | All about animals
| Materials 1 | Materials 2 |
Year 2 | Uses of everyday Materials
| Health and Survival
| Life Cycles | Plants
| Habitats
| Habitats around the World
Year 3 | Rocks
| Scientific Enquiry
| Forces and Magnets | Health and the Body | Plants | Light |
Year 4 | States of Matter | Sound
| Animals - organs and food chains
| Living Things and Habitats
| Electricity
| Conservation
Year 5 | Living things and their Habitats
| Properties of Materials
| Forces
| Earth and Space
| Changes of Materials
| Human life cycle Growing Up and Growing Old
Year 6 | Evolution and Inheritance
| Heart and the Circulatory System
| Living things and their habitats
| Light
| Electricity
| Looking after the environment