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Bruce Grove Primary School

Every child inspired, learning & growing


English Rationale

At Bruce Grove we recognise that without effective communication, little achievement can be made. We know that we have a duty to ensure that English teaching is a priority and we recognise that this is constant throughout school life and beyond. It is part of the ‘essential knowledge’ that is needed in society.  The National Curriculum (2014) clearly states that teaching the English language is an essential, if not the most essential role of a primary school.


The importance of English is to develop children in their spoken language, reading, writing and vocabulary.  ‘Teachers should develop pupil’s spoken language, reading, writing and vocabulary as integral aspects of the teaching of every subject. English is both a subject in its own right and the medium for teaching; for pupils, understanding the language provides access to the whole curriculum. Fluency in the English language is an essential foundation for success in all subjects.’ (New National Curriculum 2014)

In partnership with parents, carers and the community we aim to ensure that English skills are developed and used across the whole curriculum and to promote the personal development of every child, by providing them with the opportunity to develop their skills in speaking, listening, reading, writing, acquiring vocabulary, spelling, grammar and punctuation skills.

Overview of the English Curriculum
