Curriculum Map Year 4
| Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Science | States States of Matter
| Sound | Animals - organs and food chains | Living Things and Habitats
| Electricity | Conservation |
Computing | The internet | Audio editing | Repetition in shapes
| Data logging | Photo editing | Repetition in games |
History | Ancient Greece HEP Bk – Ancient Greece
| The Roman Empire HEP BK – The Roman Empire |
| Ancient Britons and Roman Britain HEP BK – Roman Britain |
Black History | Benin Empire
Geography |
| Climate, biomes and vegetation HEP Bk – Climates and Biomes
| Mediterranean/temperate and tropical climates HEP BK – The Rhine and the Mediterranean |
| Landuse Patterns and Changes over time HEP BK - TBC |
RE | The family of Jesus (HEP) | The Birth of Jesus (HEP) | Life and Teachings of Jesus (HEP) |
| What do Christians believe about Agape?
PHSE /RHE | Healthy and happy friendships | Similarities and differences | Caring and responsibility | Healthy bodies healthy minds TELLING TALES Protecting the environment Lesson 1-3
| Families and committed relationships
| Coping with change |
Music | Weekly trumpet and clarinet lessons from the Haringey Music Service
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Art | Drawing: Power prints
| Painting and mixed media: Light and dark |
| Craft and Design: Fabric of nature |
Design and Technology |
| Structure: Pavilions
| Mechanical Systems: Making a slingshot car |
| Electrical systems: Torches |
PE | Ball Skills Y3/4 Basketball | Gymnastics Football | Hockey Dance | Golf Swimming | Athletics Swimming | Cricket Dodgeball
MFL | Revise colours Body parts Descriptions | Recite a poem Traditional Story Christmas – Snowman and Clothes
| Animals Pets Family | Conversations about myself Easter poem Easter in France | Using a dictionary Hobbies – verbs Numbers 12-31 Leisure activities | Travelling abroad – clothing Geography Similarities/differences between the UK and France |