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Bruce Grove Primary School

Every child inspired, learning & growing

1G - Banksy

Teacher: Miss Sandler

Teaching Assistant: Abida Bartholomew


Welcome to Bruce Castle Class


                                                  Welcome to our class page!


Our class is named after Bruce Castle: Bruce Castle is a Grade I listed 16th-century manor house in Lordship Lane, Tottenham, London. It is named after the House of Bruce who formerly owned the land on which it is built.



Book corner

Our class display

Maths - making shapes with decimetre sticks

Maths - addition

Black History Month - African Drumming

Maths - investigating open and closed shapes

Enrichment - Observational drawing flowers

Maths - measuring decimetre sticks with a ruler

PE - Gymnastics - making shapes with our bodies

Bruce Castle Trip

Making closed shapes using a grid

You'll never find a mouse

Babushka (Empty Heart)

Wipe your feet

Babushka (Full Heart)

My feet want to dance

Christmas jumper day!

Maths - Measuring

History - Investigating toys

Art - Exploring watercolour

Computing - giving commands

Maths - creating numbers using place value cards

Maths - measuring volume

World Book Day

Visit to StarBOOKS cafe

Easter bonnet competition

Art - making spirals

RE - trying apple and honey

Art - Spirals and blending oil pastels

1s Assembly song - BRAMF - lyrics

Art - Painting shells

PSHE: Making healthy choices

Science - Does it sink or float?

Art week - Exploring arches

Art Week - practicing drawing arches

PE: Team Buildig

PE: Team Building

Still image for this video

D&T - Making windmills

D&T - Making windmills 2

Olympic week: A life Healthy Eating workshop

Olympic week: Cooking stir fry

Year One begins the children's journey into Key Stage One, so it's a very important year!  We do lots of hands on learning through our inspiring and creative curriculum.

We look forward to sharing our new and exciting news with you about all the fantastic things that happen in our Year 1 class.

KEY SPELLING WORDS FOR YEAR 1. Can you read and write them?
