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Bruce Grove Primary School

Every child inspired, learning & growing

R1 - Frida Kahlo


Teacher:  Devicka Chauhan

Teaching Assistant: Adene Williams







         This page will show you all of the exciting activities we will be getting up to this

year and the amazing work we will be creating.

This year R1 is named after  the artist Frida Kahlo. We will be creating our own pieces of art inspired Frida Kahlo.  We will also be reading a range of stories and developing our vocabulary through exciting texts.

 If you do not want to miss out, please check our class page ! 


Happy New Year to you all. We hope you had a good break. This term our topic is 'Let's Explore the World Around Us'. We will be taking a local walk, looking at the changes in the seasons and exploring space too!

This week we visited our wildlife garden to look at the signs of winter. Our pond was frozen and we had to break the ice with a rake.

Look at the art work we have produced to commemorate Remembrance Day!

We have been playing lots of cooperative games in PE using the parachute.

The children enjoyed knocking out the seeds from pomegranates today. They had to use a lot of force but managed very well. We served the pomegranate seeds with greek yoghurt for a healthy dessert! 

We have made some beautiful Diwali cards.

Count the candles on the cakes!

My Family

“A ‘loose parts’ toy, is open-ended; children may use it in many ways and combine with other loose-parts through imagination and creativity. Nature, which excites all the senses, remains the richest source of loose parts.”

The children have used the natural materials to create members of their family.

After exploring Frida Kahlo's artwork we spent time creating self-portrait collages using photos and coloured paper cut outs. We have produced some amazing art.


All About Me is our topic this term. This topic helps the children to develop their confidence and encourages them to share their thoughts. The children explore their dislikes and likes, features and shows them that these differences should be celebrated. It also helps the children to discover their classmates and what makes them unique. 


Everyone is special in their own way! 




