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Bruce Grove Primary School

Every child inspired, learning & growing

1D - Yinka Shonibare

Welcome to Yinka Shonibare Class Page


Teacher: Miss Davis

Teaching Assistant: Abida Bartholomew



Our class is named after the artist Yinka Shonibare who is a British-Nigerian artist. He was born in London in 1962 but went to Nigeria when he was 3 years old.  Yinka returned to live in London when he was 17 years old and went to study fine art but only three weeks into his course he contracted a virus in his spine which left half his body permanently paralysed.  Yinka was determined not to let his disability stop him and he returned to art school.

Yinka makes artwork inspired by his own life and the experiences he has had.  He also uses his art as a way to tell stories about history between Africa and Europe.  He creates art using a variety of materials and methods including painting, sculpture, photography, installation art and film.   

In 2019, Yinka was awarded a CBE for his contributions to art.  This is the highest ranking Order of the British Empire award, given by Queen Elizabeth II.  Yinka's work continues to be exhibited around the world.  


Year One begins the children's journey into Key Stage One, so it's a very important year!  We do lots of hands on learning through our inspiring and creative curriculum.

We look forward to sharing our new and exciting news with you about all the fantastic things that happen in our Year 1 class.

KEY SPELLING WORDS FOR YEAR 1.Can you read and write them?

Dear parents/Carers

This website is quite good and allows your children to access stories online and has activities set for them. Please have a go.

Thank you.

Recommended Reading List for Year 1

Please support your child in the following:

  • Reading every night
  • Helping your child learning weekly spelling and completing weekly homework

Our Book corner

Black History Month Reggae Workshop. We learned to sing some reggae songs and played our instruments to the beat of the music.

Art -Making Marks. We used different lines to create some African patterns for BHM.

Maths - Creating open and closed shapes

Our Geography and Science Local Walk looking for seasonal changes and features in our area.

Enterprise Week. Making, advertising and selling Apple and Strawberry Puff Pastries.
