Curriculum Map Year 5
| Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Science | Living things and their Habitats | Properties of Materials
| Forces | Earth and Space | Changes of Materials
| Human Life Cycle Growing Up and Growing Old
Computing | Sharing information | Video editing | Lego We Do physical computing
| Flat-file database | Vector Drawing | Sequences in quizzes |
History | Islamic Civilisation HEP Bk – The Round City of Baghdad
| Angles, Saxons and Scots - HEP BK – Anglo Saxon Britain |
| The Struggle for the Kingdom of England
Black History | Activism in Britain and the wider world
Geography |
| Trade – distribution of natural resources HEP Bk - Why is California so thirsty? |
| Coasts, rivers and the Water Cycle Tottenham v Norfolk HEP BK – Coastal Processes and Landforms
| Polar climates, oceans and seas HEP BK - Oceans |
RE | What do Christians believe about God and Incarnation? |
| What do Jewish people believe about G-d, the covenant and the Torah?
| What do Muslims believe about Islam and the Imam? |
PHSE /RHE | Healthy and happy friendships | Similarities and differences | Caring and responsibility | Healthy bodies healthy minds TELLING TALES Protecting the environment Lesson 1-3
| Families and committed relationships
| Coping with change |
Music | Rock Anthems | Jazz and Improvisation | Pop Ballads | Old School Hip-Hop | Motown | The history of music, learn some of the language of music
Art | Sculpture and 3D: Interactive installation |
| Drawing: I need space
| Painting and mixed media: Portraits |
Design and Technology |
| Electrical systems: Doodlers |
| Mechanical Systems: Making a pop-up book |
| Developing a recipe
PE | Swimming Tennis | Swimming Tennis | Swimming Dance | Gymnastics Fitness | Athletics Tag Rugby | Rounders Handball
MFL | Revision from Y4Presenting self and others | Weather seasons and times.
| Instructions & opinions
| Places | Food & Drink
| Sports/Hobbies |