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Bruce Grove Primary School

Every child inspired, learning & growing

SEND & Inclusion

Special Educational Needs at Bruce Grove Primary.

We believe that we are stronger together and are committed to working with parents and carers to achieve the best possible outcome for all children.  We encourage all our pupils to aim high and reach their potential. Our children are provided with opportunities to develop socially, emotionally, academically and physically.

If a child has special educational needs it is very important that they get the help they need as soon as possible. Teachers are encouraged to share any concerns they have with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) as early as possible. The SENCo will then contact the parent to discuss the identified concerns. Each November we hold a Speech & Language surgery for Nursery and Reception children to identify children who may require additional support in this area. This is also an opportunity for any parent / carer to share their concerns about their own child.

Children with special educational needs are taught alongside other children but lessons are designed so that all children in the class learn and make progress. Each class teacher is responsible for planning, monitoring and providing support for pupils within their class, including children with special educational needs.


Bruce Grove Primary supports children with special educational needs and disabilities in a variety of ways:

Differentiated lessons in which for example both a child with special educational needs and a very able child have different learning goals within the lesson. We also ensure there are lots of opportunities for children to work together in order to learn from each other.

We identify what the particular need is and then we meet with parents to discuss the child’s needs.

We agree a programme of support that is carefully targeted on the particular area of need and will include what we will do and what we expect the support to achieve.

Strategies to support your child in class are also provided and any additional interventions they may be receiving are detailed in a provision map, which is regularly reviewed and updated.

Review meetings for children with special educational needs are held twice a year where the child’s needs and progress are discussed. We welcome parents/carers and children at the reviews and try as far as possible to arrange the meetings at a time that will allow parents/carers to attend.

For children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education Health and Care Plan, we have an annual review once per year to review the statement/EHCP and make amendments where necessary.
