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Bruce Grove Primary School

Every child inspired, learning & growing

Food and Drink Sale this Thursday and Friday (22-23rd November)

As part of Enterprise Week, the children have been working on developing their own small business - selling healthy snacks.  All classes will be selling their items on Thursday and Friday after school in the downstairs hall.  Reception classes will sell in the KS1 playground.  Bring your coins and support the children.  All funds will go towards class resources, decided by the children.



We had a very successful Food and Drink Fair.  There was a wide selection available ranging from milk shakes to canapés!  The children were enthusiastic and driven in their sales techniques with many stalls selling out.  Children and families turned out in large numbers.  Thank you to Mr Haddon and all the staff who worked so hard to develop the children's entrepreneurial skills; and to all the parents and carers who came out and shopped.
