Dear Family
School will be closed to pupils from Friday 20th March until further notice. To minimise the impact on children’s learning we will be setting work for children to do during this time of closure.
For pupils in Years 1 to 6:
For pupils in reception:
On the back of this letter are your child’s usernames and passwords for any relevant online applications that they use and additional suggested activities to do at home.
Work for the week will also be uploaded to the school website every Monday, starting March 23rd. Please visit the children’s tab and then your child’s class page.
If your child is already absent from school, please make arrangements to collect the learning pack from the main office. The office will be open today and on Friday until 1.30pm. If you are unable to leave the house, please let us know and we will deliver resources to your home if you are a Haringey resident on Friday afternoon.
Families with pupils who are in receipt of free schools meals will be contacted and advised of contingency arrangements in due course.
If you are a key worker please contact the school.
If you have any safeguarding concerns and want advice, please contact Haringey Social Services using their online self-service tool on their website:
If you need to contact the school during this time of closure, please use our email address at the top of this letter or on the school website. All communication from school will be through the website, email and text.
Please monitor the school website and emails for further updates. Thank you for your continued support, please take care of one another and keep well during this unsettling time.
Yours sincerely
Janice George
Further Activities To Do At Home:
Reading *
Cooking *
Planting / gardening
Model Making *
Exercise / Dancing
Drama *
*denotes an activity with a possible writing outcome such as: recipes, book reports, instructions, evaluations etc.
Useful Links: .uk