Bruce Grove Primary Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) is a group which helps make Bruce Grove Primary School the best learning environment for our children and community. We do this by.
Helping Bruce Grove families get to know each other better by arranging events, activities and sharing information
Raising funds for equipment, facilities and events not normally provided for by the Local Authority
Creating and maintaining links between the school, the local community and businesses.
Every parent or carer is automatically part of the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) when their child starts at Bruce Grove Primary School and Nursery. We welcome all parents and carers and encourage participation at meetings to discuss fundraising ideas and projects.
The PTFA organise events each term to bring the school community together, these include an International Evening which celebrates our diverse community, a school disco and a Summer Fayre plus other smaller events throughout the year. The events are aimed at fundraising for the school, encouraging fun for the children and building our wonderful school community.
The PTFA has raised funds for school equipment and resources over the years, for example the school kitchen, new hi-visibility vests for school trips, books for the library and a sound system for events. We’re hoping to build on the success of previous years and raise more funds for the school.
If you are a parent or carer for a child at Bruce Grove Primary and would like to help with the PTFA or would like to find out more about what we do then drop us a line at
PTFA meetings are held throughout the year at varying times and days, look out for flyers in book bags, posters around school, newsletter updates, text messages, emails or just ask at the school office. We hope everyone will find an opportunity to be involved.
Orean Hamilton, is the Chairperson of the PTFA and is the Parent of two children attending the school. We are looking for other parents to join the committee so please do give your name to the office if interested.
Please take a look at our latest PTFA events.