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Bruce Grove Primary School

Every child inspired, learning & growing

4J- St Paul's Class

Welcome to 4J St. Paul's Class 

Teacher: Mr Jenkins

Teaching AssistantMs Barbara Watson


St Pauls Cathedral


     Welcome to St Paul's Cathedral class. This year we will be working on building the children's knowledge and skills previously learned in school, especially in preparation for the Year 4 times tables test to be taken Summer 2024! We hope that the children will a fun and exciting time building on their experiences, going on trips and developing a solid base for future years and learning.

      Use this page to keep up to date with all the great activities & work we are doing. This message will be updated sporadically through the year so keep your eyes peeled!


Mr Jenkins



About St Paul's Cathedral:



There has been a cathedral dedicated to Saint Paul in the City of London, England, since ad 604. The current Saint Paul’s Cathedral was designed by Sir Christopher Wren, after the previous building was burned down in the Great Fire of London in 1666.

The First Cathedral

In 1668 the architect Sir Christopher Wren was asked to produce a design for a new cathedral. His first two designs were rejected, but his third plan was accepted in 1675. Building was finally completed in 1710.

During World War II (1939–45) Saint Paul’s was threatened by bombings that reduced surrounding buildings to rubble. The cathedral, however, remained largely undamaged.


The most famous feature of Saint Paul’s is its enormous dome, which is topped by a cross that stands about 367 feet (112 meters) above the ground. Three galleries run around the dome. The Whispering Gallery is reached by 259 steps. A whisper on one side can be heard by someone standing on the opposite side.

The central part of the cathedral is called the nave. It was designed to hold large congregations who attended public services. The Great West Door, which leads to the nave, is 30 feet (9 meters) high.

The cathedral’s organ was installed in 1695 and is the third largest organ in the United Kingdom. It has 7,189 pipes, five keyboards, and 138 organ stops.

The crypt holds the bodies of many important people, including Horatio Nelson, the Duke of Wellington, and Sir Christopher Wren.

Important Events

The cathedral has been the site of many weddings, funerals, and other important events. Nelson’s funeral was held in Saint Paul’s in 1806. The funeral of the Duke of Wellington was held there in 1852, and it was the site of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee service in 1897. In 1981 Prince Charles and Princess Diana were married there.



4J's trip to Bruce Castle Museum

Romans assembly

From the St. Paul's Team to 4J...

St. Paul's visit Part 1

St. Paul's visit part 2

Still image for this video
We were asked to lie down under the dome and look up, it was very spectacular!

St. Paul's visit Part 3 (including animal statues in Paternoster Square.)

A selection of photos from the Christmas Music Concert.

Habitat Diorama's from 4J

Creating a St. Paul's Cathedral at home

KEY SPELLINGS FOR 4J- Y2 and Y3-4. Pupils should be able to spell all the words in these lists, know their meaning and write them in a sentence.

Year 4 Reading (Book) List



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