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Bruce Grove Primary School

Every child inspired, learning & growing

3D- Cutty Sark Class

Teacher - Miss Davis 

T.A. - Miss Dilan H.

Our class is named after Cutty Sark, which is the world’s last surviving tea clipper (a very fast sailing ship).  She was a cargo ship, built in 1869 to bring back tea from China.  She was famous for her speed and shape.

In 1953 Cutty Sark was given to the Cutty Sark Preservation Society and in 1954 she was moved to a custom-built dry dock at Greenwich. She was stripped of upper masts, yards, deck-houses and ballast to lighten her before being towed from the East India Import Dock to the special dry dock at Greenwich.




Recommended Reading List for Year 3

Practise your speed sounds using this chart.

Useful links






Our Reading Corner. Have you read a good book recently?

Our Cutty Sark display.

Science - Learning how igneous rocks are formed.

PE - In Orienteering we've learnt how to set a map and navigate cones.

Science - Investigating Rocks

Music - Learning the Glockenspiel with Mr Owen.

Cycle Training - Some of us developed our skills riding a bike.

Black History Month - We had an African Drumming Workshop. We all enjoyed it, even our teachers.

Black History Month - African Drumming Workshop Video 1

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Black History Month - African Drumming Workshop Video 2

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Black History Month - African Drumming Workshop Video 3

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Black History Month - The Windrush. Looking at the Windrush passenger List.

Maths - Using a compass to draw circles.

Science - We learned how fossils were created. We made our own fossils.

Our Homework project to make a model Empire Windrush ship. Who made models of the Cutty Sark?

Anti-Bullying Week. We wore odd socks to show we are UNIQUE!

Children in Need. We made donations and dressed in yellow to raise funds for Children in need.

Our Stone Age Class Assembly

Stone Age Rock Song Video 1

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Stone Age Rock Song Video 2

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Christmas Lunch and Festive Jumper Day

Christmas Lunch and Festive Jumper Day Video

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Geography - We went shopping for seasonal food and then identified their country of origin.

Our End of term party video 1

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Our End of term party video 2

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Science - Investigating objects moving on different surfaces

Science - Investigating magnets

Enrichment Morning - French with Mrs Finisterre

Enrichment morning - French with Mrs Finisterre Video 1

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Enrichment Morning - French with Mrs Finisterre Video 2

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Computing - Creating Branching Databases

World Book Day - Story Swap

World Book Day - Scavenger Book Hunt

World Book Day - Can you guess which book characters we are dressed as?

Science Week - Professor Sulphur Nitrate conducted some explosive experiments.

Science Week Video

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Science Week Video 2

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Enrichment - Art with Miss Sandler

Science Investigating Reflective Materials

RE - Visiting the Hindu temple and having fun in the park.

Maths - Making 3D shapes using nets

Our Olympic Week opening ceremony
